Meet the Team

Director of Photography
Colton Bostick
Colton Bostick is a dedicated cameraman with a wide range of video recording experience.
He has been filming, and editing videos for the last 9 years.

Gabriel Auffant
Gabriel Auffant is a highly accomplished director. He has directed several short films, skits, and now 2 feature length films. In addition he has starred in many of the theatrical presentations by watch CO-OP.

Christopher Lovett
Christopher T. Lovett has written and produced fifteen monologues and object lessons for youth pastors and church drama teams through StoryStones Inc. For five years he was the Drama Director for his church and worked with the worship team crafting short skits for the worship services.

Micah Hodges
Clever, Witty, and always a good sport, Micah Hodges is our MVP when it comes to actors.
Micah has starred in 90 seconds in Heaven, and several other videos.